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United by a prayer.



Unity in Harmony

Guardians of “Bailadores” on the outskirts of Guadalajara, Jal, Luis and Norma have been on the spiritual path for over 20 years, walking within the traditions of North and South American natives. They have learned from elders and teachers and have been given permission to work with altars to perform ceremonies with master plants, in search of harmony and balance, in all our relations and with Mother Earth.



Sometimes during the course of our lives, we find ourselves in situations that disrupt our connection with our essence, which is love, beauty, and goodness. We may forget how beautiful it is to be in resonance with our own hearts, the precious inner balance of our masculine and feminine energies. The invitation is to give ourselves time to recalibrate and allow them to flow harmoniously and in beauty. To allow us to recover from a place of completion, so we can live fully and intentionally creating new ways of being in relation with our environment.

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